
The steering committee of the PTM Consortium is composed of:

Jean-Luc Pinol is professor emeritus of urban history and digital humanities at the ENS of Lyon, member of the LARHRA, co-author of the Atlas of Parisians, and has just published “Convois, la déportation des Juifs de France” (Convoys, the deportation of the Jews of France), in which he analyzes data collected by Serge Klarsfeld in the Mémorial des déportés juifs de France.

Hélène Noizet is a historian, lecturer in medieval history at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is attached to the Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris (LAMOP, UMR 8589). She coordinates the Alpage project, which builds geohistorical reference data on medieval and modern Paris.

Paul Rouet is former head of the Urban Data Bank (BDU) of the Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme (APUR 2000-2009). Former user manager of the Parcel Information System (1988-2000) for the City of Paris, he contributed to the introduction of GIS. Former professor at the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris EIVP (Databases and GIS 1989-2001). Author of the book “Les données dans les SIG” 1991 published by Hermès Sciences. Contributed to the Alpage project ( by providing data and cartographic achievements.

Laurent Costa is an archaeologist and research engineer at the CNRS within the UMR 7041 Archaeology and Sciences of Antiquity. Within this UMR, he manages the transversal programme ArcheoFab, which is a platform for the exchange and exploitation of spatio-temporal data for the historical sciences.

Julien Avinain is an archaeologist, in charge of the History of Architecture and Archaeology Department in Paris. He is in charge of operations (Antiquity speciality), responsible for the R&CAP project / researcher associated with the UMR 7041, GAMA team. His fields of research are urban archaeology and in particular Parisian archaeology.

Eric Mermet is a CNRS research engineer at the Centre d’Analyse de Mathématique Sociales and at the Institut des Systèmes Complexes Paris Ile-de-France. He is in charge of the EHESS GIS platform, which works on the constitution, analysis and valorisation of spatial data of the EHESS research laboratories.

Frédéric Moret is a professor of urban history at the Université Gustave Eiffel and a member of the Laboratoire Analyse Comparée des Pouvoirs. He is a specialist in British and French urban policies in the nineteenth century and participates in the Archival City research group.

Julien Curie is an archaeologist-geoarchaeologist, research engineer (contractual, 2021-22) at the CNRS within the UMR 7041 Archaeologies and Sciences of Antiquity. He is working on the development and deployment of the ministerial program “La Fabrique Numérique du Passé” (The Digital Factory of the Past), backed by the “Paris Time Machine” consortium of the TGIR Huma-Num.

Davide Gherdevich is a research engineer at the Dynamiques patrimoniales et culturelles (DYPAC) laboratory of the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines – Paris Saclay. He is co-leader of the HUMA 3D and Dlab SHS projects. He leads with Eric Mermet the seminar “From sources to geographic information systems: tools for mapping in digital humanities“. Since 2013, he has been collaborating on the Alpage project.

The scientific coucil is composed of:

Véronique Minot (Bibliothèque de l’Hôtel de Ville), Julia Noordegraaf (Amsterdam), Carola Hein (Delft) , Valérie Gouet (IGN), Bénédicte Bucher (IGN), Pauline Rossi (Ville de Paris), Eliana Magnani (Lamop), Anne-Violaine Szabados (ArScan), Isabella di Lenardo (EPFL), Patricia Pelloux (APUR), Frédéric Kaplan (EPFL), Emmanuel Faure (APUR), Pauline Rossi (Ville de Paris)

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The Paris Time Machine consortium has been transformed into the Huma-Num Time Machine Projects Consortiutm and has a new site.

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This website remains active to keep track of our activities.